Make a Donation


By donating to Beth Sholom Synagogue, you are helping sustain and grow the home of Conservative Judaism in Memphis, TN.


Your gift allows us to provide:

  ♦ Meaningful programming to our community,
  ♦ Innovative religious and spiritual experiences,
  ♦ Jewish education ranging from early childhood through adult education and many things in between,
  ♦ Rabbinic and communal support to Memphian Jews who are ill, mourning, or going through other difficult times in their lives,
  ♦ Rabbinic and communal support to Memphian Jews who are experiencing joyous occasions in their lives,
and much more.

We have several funds to which you can donate that can be found below. Thank you for considering performing the wonderful mitzvah of supporting the future of the Jewish community.

תודה רבה! Many Thanks!

Following are the funds available to benefit from donation. These are in addition to Sisterhood and Event sponsorship opportunities.

Bess Lubin Quality of Life Fund

The Bess Lubin Quality of Life Fund was established to help assist those members of our community who need financial assistance due to life difficulties and unforeseen circumstances.

Building Fund

The Building Fund helps us keep our facilities beautiful and functional for all of our communal needs.

Cemetery Fund

The Cemetery Fund helps fund the maintenance of the Beth Sholom Memorial Gardens, the final resting place for many of our loved ones.

Endowment Fund

The Endowment Fund helps us fund special programs and will help keep Beth Sholom financially viable into the future.

General Fund Donation

The General Fund helps us cover the expenses of operating vibrant, creative, and transformative programming.

High Holiday Donation

A High Holiday donation helps us defray the costs of preparing the building for the holidays and paying the additional bills that are needed to make our busiest and holiest days successful.

Kiddush Club

Every Shabbat morning after services, all are welcome to join the Kiddush Club for a l’chaim. A donation to the Kiddush Club Fund pays for the drinks.

Lifelong Jewish Learning Fund

The Lifelong Jewish Learning Fund helps us offer transformative educational programs to members of our community.

Marsha Bender Kiddush Fund

Every Shabbat morning after services, all are welcome to join us for a kiddush luncheon. A donation to the Kiddush Fund helps defray the cost of these important community-building events.

Minyan Breakfast Donation

Our weekday morning minyanaires stick around after services to schmooze over a light breakfast.

Myrna Klazmer Religious School Fund

The Myrna Klazmer Religious School Fund helps defray the cost of educating our young ones.

Rabbi Becker Fund

The Rabbi Becker Fund helps carry on the legacy of our beloved Rabbi Arie Becker z”l.

Rabbi’s Discretionary Fund

The Rabbi’s Discretionary Fund is used, at the rabbi’s discretion, to help members who need assistance, to offer scholarships, and to support other important organizations in their missions to better the world.

Rose Goldfarb Kitchen Fund

The Rose Goldfarb Kitchen Fund helps with general kitchen repairs and purchases.

Security Fund

The Security Fund helps fund important security upgrades and personnel.

Tikkun Olam Fund

The Tikkun Olam Fund helps fund important Beth Sholom initiatives that work to repair the world, starting with the greater Memphis community.

Tribute Fund

A Tribute Fund donation is a great way to honor or remember a loved one.

Youth Activities Fund

The Youth Activities Fund helps sponsor exciting and transformative events for our teens.